Scholarships & Talent Awards

大学优异和人才奖学金是根据成绩和/或才能颁发给学生的. 这些奖学金的一部分是通过校友和朋友的慷慨支持资助的,只用于学费和杂费. Some scholarships are available regardless of financial need. 入学学生通过威尼斯人平台入学申请或普通申请申请大学奖学金.

学生必须保持良好的学术成绩,才能每年续签奖学金. 人才奖学金可能要求学生试镜或提交作品集或写作样本. 学生应注意,大学政策限制了学生可能获得的机构奖学金的数量和金额. 最新的经济援助奖励函将始终列出您从多个机构来源的资格.

Achievement Award

Achievement Award-up to $36,000 per year


在申请审查过程中,所有申请人都将获得成就奖. 奖项将根据申请时提交的信息确定.

续签政策:学业成绩良好,平均成绩不低于B (3).0 GPA).

Hunsaker Scholarship

The Richard and Virginia Hunsaker Scholarship Prize is awarded to approximately eight incoming freshmen annually. 该奖学金项目是为表现出杰出学术成就的杰出申请人提供的, leadership and contributions to their schools and communities.

被选为汉萨克学者的学生将获得4美元不等的奖学金,000 to total cost, based upon demonstrated financial need, 由威尼斯人平台学生金融服务办公室确定, using data from the FAFSA. 参加奖学金面试的入围者将获得额外的2000美元. 被选为汉萨克学者但没有经济需求的学生将获得4美元的奖学金,除了她/他可能已经获得的任何雷德兰兹成就奖学金之外,她/他还可以获得1000美元的奖学金.

Watch "R Story" | Alumni couple Richard and Virginia Hunsaker, Class of 1952, give the University its largest-ever single gift for scholarships.

Meet the Hunsaker Scholars.

Art Award

Art Award-up to $3,500 per year

Basis: Awards, determined by the Art department, are based upon samples of work (no portfolio, please).

Submission: Apply to the University by regular decision (Jan. 15). 你的作品的例子(最多12件),最好地展示你的艺术才华, 应该在你被大学录取后上传到你的雷德兰兹门户网站吗. Accepted formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .jpg, .png, .bmp.

Renewal policy: Academic good standing with at least a 2.5 GPA and departmental review of work; major required.

Transfer Students - Please reach out to Keith Gissel, Talent Scholarship Coordinator, for more information.

Creative Writing Award

Creative Writing Award-up to $3,500 per year

Basis: Awards, determined by the Creative Writing department, are based upon one of the following: five poems; two short stories; a chapter from a novel; two personal essays; and/or three examples of literary journalism: reviews of books, movies, music, etc.

Submission: Apply to the University by regular decision (Jan. 15). 一旦被大学录取,你的作品示例应该上传到威尼斯人平台的门户网站.

Renewal policy: Academic good standing with at least a 2.5 GPA; major required.

Music Award

Music Award-up to $10,000 per year

Basis: Departmental determination based upon auditions; separate music application required. Call Conservatory of Music at (909) 748-8014.

有关申请和试镜音乐学院的更多信息,请参阅他们的 Music Admissions page.

提交:音乐奖项是音乐学院申请和试听的结果. Although offered on a "rolling" basis, 建议音乐专业的考生在申请牛津大学的同时申请音乐学院, and to submit an audition.

Renewal policy: Academic good standing with at least a 3.平均绩点0,要求有私人音乐学习,并参与专业指挥合奏.

Theatre Award

Theatre Award-up to $8,000 per year

Basis: Awards, determined by the Department of Theatre and Dance, 是否基于对奖学金的兴趣声明和提交的戏剧汇汇表. 对表演感兴趣的学生可以提交一份演示表演工作的试镜(最多3分钟), no in-person auditions). 对设计和制作感兴趣的学生可以以带注释的幻灯片样本的形式提交作品集(表明学生在实现工作中的角色).

Submission: Apply to the University by regular decision (Jan. 15), indicate on the application your interest in the award. 您的工作示例应该上传到您的应用程序状态门户. Accepted formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .avi, .flv, .mlv, .m2v, .m4v, .mov, .mpeg, .mp4, .webm.

Renewal policy: Academic good standing with at least a 2.5 GPA and department review of work; major required.

Raise Me

有兴趣为你在高中期间的努力和成就获得小额奖学金? We encourage you to explore RaiseMe, a free online tool that helps us acknowledge your achievement. Over time, you will earn institutional aid for good grades, club participation, sports, volunteer activities, and more that you can put towards your Redlands education. Click here to learn more.  微型奖学金是不可堆叠的,获得的总奖金将在威尼斯人平台所有四年的学习中分配.



奖学金申请者必须通过领导和倡导表现出对土著社区的承诺和联系. 所有奖学金获得者在毕业后都应该为当地社区做出有价值的贡献.

被选为圣曼努埃尔学者的学生将获得5美元不等的奖学金,000 to total cost, based upon demonstrated financial need, 由威尼斯人平台学生金融服务办公室确定, using data from the FAFSA.

For more information and to apply please click here.

Outside Scholarships

Students who are awarded "outside" scholarships that may be applied to their total costs will have the funds added to their financial aid packages; this may allow us to reduce their loans or adjust their packages.

校外奖学金可以由社区、雇主或公司颁发. There are many opportunities, 但我们鼓励学生在提交个人信息之前做好关于奖学金的功课. Click here to see outside scholarship opportunities. 如果你有关于奖学金的问题,请不要犹豫,威尼斯人平台